Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bridal Shower Towel Cake

Yesterday was my daughter's, Mattie's, bridal shower. I've been wanting to make a towel cake for awhile, but was afraid to try it, until yesterday. It ended up being really simple to do and I think it turned out really cute.

I first placed a small glass canister with a lid on the bottom of the colander.  Before I did that, I wrapped the canister with one of the kitchen towels that I folded in half.  The top of the towel was about an inch above the canister.  I folded the towel over on the back side of the canister and pinned it down with safety pins.
I then placed several of the dish cloths around the canister on the bottom.  I rolled them wrapped two around the bottom of the canister.  Then, I rolled two more up and put them around the first dish cloths I had put in there. It was just enough to fill the bottom of the colander up. 
Then, I wrapped the second canister with another of the owl kitchen towels.  Doing the same thing, I folder the towel to fit the canister and then pinned it in the back.  I placed two sided tape on the bottom of it and placed it on top of the other canister.  I tucked it into the towel that was hanging over on the first canister. 
I then put a mug on top and taped it down.  The mug had a lid, but I just sat that in the colander.  I placed a couple of dishcloths in the mug, to help hold the utensils I placed in it
Once I had the tower built, I just started putting the things I had bought wherever I could tuck them in. 
I was actually surprised how easy it was and was very pleased with how it turned out.