Here is is at my home.
I am trying to fix our house up, with spending as little as possible. I went thru everything I have and came up with an idea to decorate it. I have a lot of white wrapping paper from the dishes I buy. I decided to try and use them. I made a flour and paste mixture first. I crumbled the paper up and then tore the paper so there was no straight lines.
I started at the top of each drawer. To get the crinkled look, I put it on loose. You can see this better in the next picture after this one. I patted it down with the palm of my hand. Don't worry if you tear it, you can either push the paper up to cover the hole or add another piece.
This is how it looked after it started drying. While it was drying, I took the handles and scrubbed them down before I put a metal primer on them.
I decided I wanted it to have some color, so I started looking into what I had. I found some tissue gift wrap that I thought would look good. I cut 4 squares, a little larger than the size of the doors.
I applied the flour and water mixture to the back of each panel and then placed it over each drawer. I folded the ends in all the way around. Once they were all dry, I sprayed them with several coats of lacquer. I think this will give it more durability. While the drawers were out, I scrubbed this humongous thing down. It really needed it.
And here it is, after the knobs were painted as well.
I am very pleased with it. I think it looks so much better than it did before. Please feel free to ask questions in the comment box. I look forward to hearing from you.

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