Monday, April 7, 2014

My backyard

I have been so busy in the last couple of weeks, cleaning out closets, reorganizing rooms, and lot of DIY.  Unfortunately, most of my projects are not completed yet, so I'm not able to share them.  I've been working on the livingroom.  Everything in our livingroom came from the side of the road during bulk pickup.  I'm now in the process of having it all match. I can't wait to share this with you.

This weekend, I worked on the backyard.  I wish I had taken the before pictures.  The garden area was full of weeds and the bush in the middle took over the entire space.  I also pulled lots and lots of grass in the yard.  This is a rental home, so I just want to do enough to enjoy it this summer.  I planted vegetables in the garden area and added some flowers.  This will be a great space to sit and relax and also to barbecue.

I picked up a few chairs on the side of the road.  They were in good condition, but needed some care.  We had a lot of spray paint in different colors that needed to be used up, so I painted each one of them and they look great.

Here's a table  I found that was in desperate need of being painted. 

You can see the table here.  I painted it to match the two red chairs we already had.  They needed a little touch up and now look great. You can see the overgrown bush in the back.

Here's a bench we are still working on.  I love this because it's so unusual.  It was in major need of sanding.  I'll be posting more on this, when it's completed.

Wish I had more to share right now.  I have one wedding over and starting on another.  My youngest daughter is getting married in November.  So, there is plenty for me to be doing.  In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my backyard yard when I can.

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